Welsh Government: Multibeam, Drop-Down Video survey and Habitat Maps from St David’s Head, Pembrokeshire and West coast of Anglesey (3rd Party Data)
This dataset is wholly owned by Welsh Government. Natural Resources Wales has access to this data through an Open Government Licence. This dataset is made up of three parts: Multibeam Survey data, detailing the topography of the seafloor; drop down video surveys taken at point of interest within the survey extent, and broad habitat maps detailing the extent and location of habitats, based on the findings from the analysis of the drop-down videos and multibeam data. This project has received funding through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, which is funded by the European Union and the Welsh Government.
- Dull adnabod
- Rhychwant
- Dosbarthiad
- Ansawdd
- Allweddeiriau
- System Cyfeirio Gofodol
- Cynnwys
- Cyfyngiadau
- Cynnal a chadw
- Metadata
Dull adnabod
- Dynodydd
- EXT_DS124723
- Teitl Amgen
- Sustainable Management of Marine Natural Resources: Habitat Maps
- Sustainable Management of Marine Natural Resources: Drop Down Video Surveys- still images and high definition videos
- Sustainable Management of Marine Natural Resources: Multibeam Surveys
- Laith Metadata
- English
- Datganiad
All survey work was completed by ABPmer on behalf of Welsh Government. Two areas were chosen for the survey work off covering two broad geographical areas, St David’s Head, Pembrokeshire; and an area to the west of Anglesey. Surveys were conducted during July and September 2019. Multibeam: When collecting multibeam data, an appropriate overlap was maintained to ensure that 100% coverage is achieved without any data gaps or holes. Appropriate statistical analysis of cross line/ main line intersections was done to assess the quality of the data.
- Gwybodaeth ychwanegol
This data collection forms part of a wider mapping project, looking and the environmental constraints in Welsh water, helping to identify opportunities for aquaculture, wave energy and tidal energy. With this in mind, during selection of suitable survey locations, early prioritisation was afforded to those areas which would maximise the value of evidence obtained rather than those areas which offered relatively good shelter from prevailing wind conditions. https://gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2019-11/sustainable-management-of-marine-natural-resources-part-2.pdf https://gov.wales/marine-planning
Bounding Box
- Fformat - Math a Disgrifiad
Geographic Information System
Geographic Information System
- Math
ESRI Shapefiles Images Videos Spreadsheets Word and PDF Documents
Geographic Information System
Geographic Information System
Ansawdd Data
- Cwmpas Ansawdd
- Dataset
- Datganiad
All survey work was completed by ABPmer on behalf of Welsh Government. Two areas were chosen for the survey work off covering two broad geographical areas, St David’s Head, Pembrokeshire; and an area to the west of Anglesey. Surveys were conducted during July and September 2019. Multibeam: When collecting multibeam data, an appropriate overlap was maintained to ensure that 100% coverage is achieved without any data gaps or holes. Appropriate statistical analysis of cross line/ main line intersections was done to assess the quality of the data.
- Math
- Theme
- Dyddiad (Cyhoeddiad)
- 2008-06-01
- NRW Thesaurus
- 3rd Party Data
- Third Party Data
- Video survey
- drop-down video
- photographs (images)
- habitat mapping
- Math
- Theme
- Dyddiad (Cyhoeddiad)
- 2023-12-31
- SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary
- Habitat characterisation
- Habitat extent
- Math
- Theme
- Dyddiad (Adolygu)
- 2021-01-06
System Cyfeirio Gofodol
Gwybodaeth Cynnwys
Proffil CNC
Elfennau CNC
Cyfyngiadau ar Fynediad a Defnydd Cyhoeddus
- Math o Gyfyngiad
- Other restrictions
Cyfarwyddeb Cyfyngiadau Mynediad
- Cyfyngiadau
- no limitations
Testun cyfyngiadau mynediad
- Cyfyngiadau eraill
This dataset is wholly owned by Welsh Government. NRW may provide access to this dataset on request, however, enquirers are advised to obtain a copy from the owner/originator directly, rather than NRW.
Defnyddiwch gyfyngiadau
- Cyfyngiadau Defnyddio
- Other restrictions
- Cyfyngiadau eraill
© Crown Copyright: Welsh Government. Data may be re-used under the terms of the Open Government Licence providing it is done so, acknowledging both the source and WG's copyright. It is the recipient's responsibility to ensure the data is fit for the intended purpose.
Datganiad Priodoli
- Cyfyngiadau eraill
Welsh Government Marine and Fisheries data is © Crown Copyright and is licensed under the Open Government Licence http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/