Skomer Marine Conservation Zone ( MCZ ) - Subtidal Algal Assemblages
In 2015 Skomer Marine Nature Reserve changed designation to Skomer Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ). Skomer Marine Nature Reserve (MNR) was designated in 1990. Skomer MNR's algal communities have been identified as being rich and diverse with 241 species of red, green and brown algae recorded. This represents 34% of the British marine flora and 21% of North Atlantic marine flora including two nationally scarce species, five near their limit of distribution, four species with specialised habitat preferences and five deep water algal species. Skomer MNR has been identified as a Criteria B European IPA (important plant area) for marine algae. The area has a wide range of habitats, including excellent examples of algal communities on bedrock, boulders and cobbles. It has a very high diversity of algae with over 240 species recorded. Rare or threatened species include: Atractophora hypnoides, Sphacelaria mirabilis, Hydrolithon cruciatum and Hinksia ovata. In situ recording and collection is used to survey the algae at various habitats around the Reserve. A herbarium is kept for all notable species found. Methods have varied from year to year. The whole project was reviewed in 2007. There were numerous aims for this project and data capture. 1. To monitor temporal change in algal communities; 2. To monitor algal species of recognised importance; 3. To investigate species diversity using taxonomic distinctness analysis; 4. To establish a monitoring protocol for the future that is both achievable and worthwhile.
- Identification
- Extent
- Distribution
- Quality
- Keywords
- Spatial Reference System
- Content
- Constraints
- Maintenance
- Metadata
- Identifier
- NRW_DS101856
- Alternative Title
- Skomer Marine Conservation Zone ( MCZ ) - Subtidal algal assemblages
- 2005 CCW Skomer Marine Nature Reserve subtidal algal assemblages MRCCW16800000008
- 2001 Skomer MNR Sediment epifauna community survey
- Casgliadau o algau islanwol - GNF Ynys Sgomer
- Monitoring of algal communities
- Metadata Language
- English
- Lineage
In situ ID Species lists with ACFOR abundance for 1983, and 1999 Species lists for 2005 Species lists and counts of Laminaria hyperborea and Delesseria sanguinea 2007 Lab ID of collected specimens - pressed and put in herbarium
- Dataset Reference Date (Publication)
- 2007-12-31
Temporal Extent
- Begin date
- 1998-01-01
- End date
- 2007-12-31
- Topic category
- Biota
- Geographic Extent
- Irish Sea
- Geographic Extent
- St. Brides Bay
- Geographic Extent
Vertical Extent
- Medin Extent Keyword
benthic boundary layer
Vertical Extent
- Minimum value (metres)
- 15
- Maximum value (metres)
- 1
- Vertical CRS
- Format Type and Description
- Specification
[A] Excel spreadsheet [B] 2005 data also available in Marine Recorder (MRCCW16800000008)
Data quality
- Quality Scope
- Dataset
- Conformity
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services
- Explanation
This dataset has not been assessed for conformance to the referenced INSPIRE regulation.
- Degree
- false
- Lineage
In situ ID Species lists with ACFOR abundance for 1983, and 1999 Species lists for 2005 Species lists and counts of Laminaria hyperborea and Delesseria sanguinea 2007 Lab ID of collected specimens - pressed and put in herbarium
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Publication)
- 2008-06-01
NRW Thesaurus
- laminaria hyperborea
- Atractophora hypnoides
- Skomer MNR
- Sphacelaria mirabilis
- Hinksia ovata
- Delesseria sanguinea
- algae
- kelp
- Hydrolithon cruciatum
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Publication)
- 2024-06-19
SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary
- Macroalgae generic abundance in water bodies
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Publication)
- 2024-06-19
Spatial Reference System
Content Information
NRW Profile
Custom Elements
- NRW Related Title
Skomer Marine Nature Reserve project status report 2003/4
- NRW Related Title
Skomer Marine Nature Reserve project status report 2004/5
- NRW Related Title
Skomer Marine Nature Reserve project status report 2005/06
Limitations on Public Access and Use
- Restriction type
- Other restrictions
Access Constraints Directive
- Limitations
- no limitations
Access Constraints Text
- Other constraints
There are no access restrictions to this data. NRW may release, publish or disseminate it freely.
Use Constraints
- Use constraints type
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
© CNC/NRW There are no use restrictions on this data. Recipients may re-use, reproduce, disseminate this data free of charge in any format or medium, provided they do so accurately, acknowledging both the source and NRW's copyright, and do not use it in a misleading context. It is the recipient's responsibility to ensure the data is fit for the intended purpose, that dissemination or publishing does not result in duplication, and that it is fairly interpreted. Advice on interpretation should be sought where required. To avoid re-using old data, users should periodically obtain the latest version from the original source.
- File Identifier
- 4f4c4942-4343-5764-6473-313031383536 XML
- Metadata Language
- English
- Parent Identifier
Skomer Marine Conservation Zone ( MCZ ) - Marine Monitoring Programme Overview
- Resource type
- Dataset
- Metadata Date
- 2025-02-04T10:02:07.399Z
- Metadata Standard Name
- Metadata Standard Version