Tyniadau Dwr
Mae’r set ddata tynnu dŵr yn nodi manylion pob safle sydd wedi’i gwmpasu gan Ddeddf Dŵr 2003, sy’n peri bod angen trwydded tynnu dŵr ym mhob achos o dynnu 20 metr ciwbig neu fwy o ddŵr.
Mae’r set ddata’n cynnwys manylion pob trwydded tynnu dŵr fyw yng Nghymru. Mae trwyddedau sydd wedi dod i ben neu sydd wedi’u dirymu wedi’u heithrio. Mae’r tabl yn cynnwys manylion yr uchafswm blynyddol a dyddiol o ran tynnu dŵr. Y symiau hyn yw’r uchafswm a ganiateir o dan y drwydded; maent yn rhoi arwydd ynglŷn â maint y gwaith tynnu dŵr. Gall rhai trwyddedau gynnwys amodau cydgasglu neu amodau eraill sy’n cyfyngu ar y gwaith tynnu dŵr; nid yw’r rhain wedi’u cynnwys yn y set ddata.
Rhybudd gwybodaeth
Mae rhan o’r set ddata hon yn sensitif ac mae wedi’i golygu, a gellir ei hailddefnyddio dim ond yn unol â thelerau trwydded CNC. Gall y set ddata nas golygwyd fod ar gael ar gais drwy anfon Ffurflen Gais Ddata wedi’i llenwi at dîm Dosbarthu Data CNC: datadistribution@cyfoethnaturiolcymru.gov.uk
Trwyddedau a ddadreoleiddiwyd
Cafodd rhai trwyddedau eu dadreoleiddio ar 31 Mawrth 2005. Mae trwyddedau sydd wedi’u dadreoleiddio yn cynnwys unrhyw waith o dynnu llai nag 20 metr ciwbig o ddŵr y dydd o ffynhonnell dŵr wyneb (e.e. nant neu ddraen) neu o strata tanddaearol (drwy dwll turio neu ffynhonnell), at unrhyw ddiben penodol. Felly, nid oedd modd trwyddedu gwaith tynnu dŵr mwyach os oedd yn perthyn i’r categori hwn, ac fe’i dirymwyd. O ganlyniad, mae’n bosibl bod gwaith tynnu dŵr sydd wedi’i ddadreoleiddio ac achosion eraill o dynnu dŵr heb drwydded yn eich ardal o ddiddordeb, yn arbennig at ddefnydd domestig neu amaethyddol, neu nad yw trwyddedau a ddadreoleiddiwyd a oedd yn hysbys cyn 31 Mawrth 2005 yn weithredol mwyach. Felly, ni fydd yr achosion hyn o dynnu dŵr yn cael eu cynnwys yn y data Gwaith Tynnu Dŵr Trwyddedig a gyflenwyd. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am yr amserlenni ar gyfer trwyddedu gwaith tynnu dŵr a oedd wedi’i eithrio o’r blaen, ac esemptiadau sy’n weddill, ar gael ar ein gwefan.
Yn cynnwys gwybodaeth Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru © Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru a Hawl Cronfa Ddata. Cedwir pob hawl.
- Dull adnabod
- Rhychwant
- Dosbarthiad
- Ansawdd
- Allweddeiriau
- System Cyfeirio Gofodol
- Cynnwys
- Cyfyngiadau
- Cynnal a chadw
- Metadata
Dull adnabod
- Dynodydd
- NRW_DS116321
- Teitl Amgen
- Licenced Water Abstractions held in Dynamics 365 (also know as CRM-PALS)
- AfA135 Water Abstractions
- Laith Metadata
- English
- Datganiad
The dataset holds details of all live water abstraction licences in Wales. Expired, lapsed and revoked licences are excluded. The table holds details of maximum annual and maximum daily abstraction quantities. The quantities are the maximum permitted under the licence; they give an indication of the size of the abstraction. Some licences may include aggregating conditions or other conditions which restrict the abstraction; these are not included in the dataset.
Data stored from 2013-04-01 to 2016-02-26 in WISKI and from 2016-02-27 to present in PALS.
Some of the data is considered sensitive, a redacted public version of the data is available, requests for the full data will be consider on a case-by-case basis.
Information warning; Deregulated Licences
Some licences were deregulated on 31st March 2005. Deregulated licences include any abstraction of less than 20 cubic metres per day from a surface water source (e.g. stream or drain) or from underground strata (via borehole or well) for any particular purpose. Abstractions were therefore no longer licensable if they fell into this category and revoked. It is therefore possible that there are deregulated abstractions and other unlicensed abstractions present in your area of interest, particularly for domestic or agricultural use or that deregulated licences known before 31st March 2005 are now no longer active. So these abstractions will not be included in the supplied Licensed Water Abstraction data. Further information on the timescales for licensing previously exempt abstractions and remaining exemptions can be found on our website.
- Dyddiad cyfeirnod y set ddata (Cyhoeddiad)
- 2024-12-26
Ystod amser
- Dyddiad cychwyn
- 2013-04-01
- Categori pwnc
- Inland waters
- Hyd
- Wales (WLS)
- Fformat - Math a Disgrifiad
- Math
Excel Spreadsheet
- Lleolwr Adnoddau
- Data Download ( WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link )
- Lleolwr Adnoddau
- Web Mapping Services ( OGC:WMS )
Ansawdd Data
- Cwmpas Ansawdd
- Dataset
- Datganiad
The dataset holds details of all live water abstraction licences in Wales. Expired, lapsed and revoked licences are excluded. The table holds details of maximum annual and maximum daily abstraction quantities. The quantities are the maximum permitted under the licence; they give an indication of the size of the abstraction. Some licences may include aggregating conditions or other conditions which restrict the abstraction; these are not included in the dataset.
Data stored from 2013-04-01 to 2016-02-26 in WISKI and from 2016-02-27 to present in PALS.
Some of the data is considered sensitive, a redacted public version of the data is available, requests for the full data will be consider on a case-by-case basis.
Information warning; Deregulated Licences
Some licences were deregulated on 31st March 2005. Deregulated licences include any abstraction of less than 20 cubic metres per day from a surface water source (e.g. stream or drain) or from underground strata (via borehole or well) for any particular purpose. Abstractions were therefore no longer licensable if they fell into this category and revoked. It is therefore possible that there are deregulated abstractions and other unlicensed abstractions present in your area of interest, particularly for domestic or agricultural use or that deregulated licences known before 31st March 2005 are now no longer active. So these abstractions will not be included in the supplied Licensed Water Abstraction data. Further information on the timescales for licensing previously exempt abstractions and remaining exemptions can be found on our website.
- Math
- Theme
- Dyddiad (Cyhoeddiad)
- 2008-06-01
NRW Thesaurus
- bathing water
- permits
- Water Act 2003
- water abstraction
- Math
- Theme
- Dyddiad (Cyhoeddiad)
- 2024-06-19
NRW SMNR Keywords
- Ecosystem (SMNR)
- Management Areas (SMNR)
- Freshwater and Wetlands (SMNR)
- Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR)
- Natural Resources (Incl. Features and Processes) (SMNR)
- Water Quality (SMNR)
- Hydrological Processes (SMNR)
- Water Resources (SMNR)
- Math
- Theme
- Dyddiad (Cyhoeddiad)
- 2024-06-26
System Cyfeirio Gofodol
Gwybodaeth Cynnwys
Proffil CNC
Elfennau CNC
Cyfyngiadau ar Fynediad a Defnydd Cyhoeddus
- Math o Gyfyngiad
- Other restrictions
Cyfarwyddeb Cyfyngiadau Mynediad
- Cyfyngiadau
- no limitations
Testun cyfyngiadau mynediad
- Cyfyngiadau eraill
Part of this dataset is sensitive and restricted as it contains data exempt from general release. Sensitive data must be kept confidential; general release is not permitted due to national security reasons.
Defnyddiwch gyfyngiadau
- Cyfyngiadau Defnyddio
- Other restrictions
- Cyfyngiadau eraill
© CNC/NRW The redacted data may be re-used under provision and in line with the terms of a NRW licence. It is the recipient's responsibility to ensure the data is fit for the intended purpose. A full version of the data will only be provided on request, on a case-by-case basis and under provision of a separate NRW licence.
Datganiad Priodoli
- Cyfyngiadau eraill
Contains Natural Resources Wales information © Natural Resources Wales and Database Right. All rights Reserved.
Math o Drwydded
- Cyfyngiadau eraill
- NRW Conditional
- Dynodydd Ffeil
- 4f4c4942-4343-5764-6473-313136333231 XML
- Laith Metadata
- English
- Math o adnodd
- Dataset
- Dyddiad Metadata
- 2024-12-31T11:32:22.282Z
- Enw Safonol Metadata
- Fersiwn Metadata