Arfordiroedd Treftadaeth
Mae'r set ddata ofodol hon yn cynnwys ffiniau arfordiroedd treftadaeth yng Nghymru. Mae tua thraean, sef 500 km (300 milltir), o arfordiroedd Cymru'n Arfordiroedd Treftadaeth. Sefydlwyd y safleoedd hyn er mwyn amddiffyn ein harfordiroedd rhag datblygiadau ansensitif. Diffinnir y mwyafrif ohonynt yn syml gan y morlin rhwng dau bwynt a enwir, fodd bynnag, mae gan rai ffiniau mewndirol amlwg. Nid oes unrhyw amddiffynfa gyfreithiol i'r statws, ond mae'n rhaid i awdurdodau cynllunio ystyried y dynodiad wrth wneud penderfyniadau ar ddatblygu. Mae rheoli Arfordiroedd Treftadaeth yn rhan o gylch gwaith yr awdurdodau lleol sy'n cael ei gyflawni gan Swyddogion Arfordir Treftadaeth gan amlaf, gyda rhai tasgau ymarferol yn cael eu gwneud gan wirfoddolwyr. Dynodwyd y rhan fwyaf o'r stribedi Treftadaeth arfordirol ym 1973, 1974 ac un ym 1984..
Datganiad priodoli
Yn cynnwys gwybodaeth Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru © Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru a Hawl Cronfa Ddata. Cedwir pob hawl. Yn cynnwys data Arolwg Ordnans. Rhif Trwydded Arolwg Ordnans AC0000849444. Hawlfraint y Goron a Hawl Cronfa Ddata.
- Dull adnabod
- Rhychwant
- Dosbarthiad
- Ansawdd
- Allweddeiriau
- System Cyfeirio Gofodol
- Cynnwys
- Cyfyngiadau
- Cynnal a chadw
- Metadata
Dull adnabod
- Dynodydd
- NRW_DS98745
- Teitl Amgen
- NRW Heritage Coast.LYR
- Sites (Heritage Coast)
- Laith Metadata
- English
- Datganiad
This designation was launched in the seventies to protect our coastlines from insensitive developments. Digitising this data makes it more mobile and helps safeguard these areas. The data was first digitally captured in 1995 and the latest update in 2010 to OS Mastermap. The data was checked by Natural Resources Wales' (NRW) staff. NRW inherited the descriptions of the Heritage Coasts designations that lie within Wales from the Countryside Commission. Most are represented by pairs of co-ordinates and just two have boundaries Great Orme (1:10560) and Glamorgan (1:50,000). Using this source the designations were digitised on to OS MasterMap 2006. For all Heritage Coast sites we have buffered a line 0.6 km from Mean High Water Mark (MHWM) and then given this line a 1 metre width in order to conform to supplying polygon data. This has been done for reasons of cartographic display as well as showing there is no definitive terrestrial area given for the majority of sites.
- Dyddiad cyfeirnod y set ddata (Cyhoeddiad)
- 2022-11-28
Ystod amser
- Dyddiad cychwyn
- 1995-01-01
- Dyddiad gorffen
- 2010-12-31
- Categori pwnc
- Biota
- Imagery base maps earth cover
- Oceans
- Environment
- Hyd
- Wales (WLS)
Maint Fertigol
- Maint allweddair MEDIN
benthic boundary layer
- Fformat - Math a Disgrifiad
Geographic Information System
- Math
ESRI Feature Class
Geographic Information System
- Lleolwr Adnoddau
- Download Data & Web Service ( WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link )
- Lleolwr Adnoddau
- Web Mapping Service ( OGC:WMS )
Ansawdd Data
- Cwmpas Ansawdd
- Dataset
- Datganiad
This designation was launched in the seventies to protect our coastlines from insensitive developments. Digitising this data makes it more mobile and helps safeguard these areas. The data was first digitally captured in 1995 and the latest update in 2010 to OS Mastermap. The data was checked by Natural Resources Wales' (NRW) staff. NRW inherited the descriptions of the Heritage Coasts designations that lie within Wales from the Countryside Commission. Most are represented by pairs of co-ordinates and just two have boundaries Great Orme (1:10560) and Glamorgan (1:50,000). Using this source the designations were digitised on to OS MasterMap 2006. For all Heritage Coast sites we have buffered a line 0.6 km from Mean High Water Mark (MHWM) and then given this line a 1 metre width in order to conform to supplying polygon data. This has been done for reasons of cartographic display as well as showing there is no definitive terrestrial area given for the majority of sites.
- Math
- Theme
- Dyddiad (Cyhoeddiad)
- 2008-06-01
NRW Thesaurus
- protected areas
- heritage coasts
- geographical information systems (GIS)
- Math
- Theme
- Dyddiad (Cyhoeddiad)
- 2024-06-19
SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary
- Habitat extent
- Habitat characterisation
- Math
- Theme
- Dyddiad (Cyhoeddiad)
- 2024-06-19
NRW SMNR Keywords
- Ecosystem Services (SMNR)
- Cultural Services (SMNR)
- Seascape (SMNR)
- Sea and Coast (SMNR)
- Management Areas (SMNR)
- Ecosystem (SMNR)
- Provisioning Services (SMNR)
- Regulating Services (SMNR)
- Coastal Margins (SMNR)
- Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR)
- Natural Resources (Incl. Features and Processes) (SMNR)
- Physical Geography (Physiography) (SMNR)
- Math
- Theme
- Dyddiad (Cyhoeddiad)
- 2024-06-26
System Cyfeirio Gofodol
Gwybodaeth Cynnwys
Proffil CNC
Elfennau CNC
Cyfyngiadau ar Fynediad a Defnydd Cyhoeddus
- Math o Gyfyngiad
- Other restrictions
Cyfarwyddeb Cyfyngiadau Mynediad
- Cyfyngiadau
- no limitations
Testun cyfyngiadau mynediad
- Cyfyngiadau eraill
There are no access restrictions on this data. NRW may release, publish or disseminate it freely.
Defnyddiwch gyfyngiadau
- Cyfyngiadau Defnyddio
- Other restrictions
- Cyfyngiadau eraill
© CNC/NRW All rights Reserved. Contains Ordnance Survey Data. Ordnance Survey Licence number AC0000849444. Crown Copyright and Database Right Data may be re-used under the terms of the Open Government Licence providing it is done so, acknowledging both the source and copyright of the owners. It is the recipient's responsibility to ensure the data is fit for the intended purpose.
Datganiad Priodoli
- Cyfyngiadau eraill
Contains Natural Resources Wales information © Natural Resources Wales and Database Right. All rights Reserved. Contains Ordnance Survey Data. Ordnance Survey Licence number AC0000849444. Crown Copyright and Database Right.
Math o Drwydded
- Cyfyngiadau eraill
- Open Government Licence
- Dynodydd Ffeil
- 4f4c4942-4343-5764-6473-3938373435 XML
- Laith Metadata
- English
- Math o adnodd
- Dataset
- Dyddiad Metadata
- 2024-07-25T13:00:02.736Z
- Enw Safonol Metadata
- Fersiwn Metadata